Hello. I am Peter. StreetPeter.
My mission is to Spread beauty. Bring Joy. Make memories. Together.
I am Streetpeter. Founder of Streetpainting.nl (2003) and Planet Streetpainting (2009), and co-founder of Anamorphic Murals (2017).
I guess you could say by now that I am a Jack of All Trades of Streetpainting: a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one. My track record is proof of that, as well as my outstanding reputation amongst the many clients and street artists that I have worked with. In short, I have street credibility. I get street art done, in a way that works for everybody involved.
Over the past few years, since covid, my focus has gradually shifted from on demand art making to the independent art of event making. Turning all my past experiences and expertise into new ideas and concepts, fusing art and entertainment. Servicing event makers and artists both. Creating a tangible ROI – Return on Inspiration.
These ideas are presented here on this website, and these are the kind of events I love to do most. Perhaps you like them as much as I do, or even more. If so, let’s chat. Likeminded-ness is a sweet and promising starting point for any creative collaboration. It is great to have a shared interest or enthusiasm for something.
I am here. Not going anywhere without you. Let’s spread beauty, bring joy and make memories together.
Collaborate with me? Go to contact.
Support one of my projects? Go to GoFundMe. (note: not yet active, stay tuned)
Support me? Join my Club100. Go to Patreon. (note: not yet active, stay tuned)
Peter Westerink
“The art of streetpainting is one of those inspiring phenomena of our time. It’s colourful, cool and sometimes even breathtaking. Once you’ve witnessed the live creation of a streetpainting, the memory of it will last you a lifetime.
Indeed, one picture paints a thousand words”
I say, let’s make everlasting memories together.
No strings attached. I’d be happy to hear your story and discuss your ideas, or the status of your project, with full discretion of course.
2025 © all rights reserved ❋ Peter Westerink / Planet Streetpainting ❋ Streetpeter.com ❋ hello@streetpeter.com
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